Wednesday, December 31, 2008

For eighty-four days we have considered the kingdom sayings in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

The kingdom of God is at hand, so close we can clasp it.

We are most likely to perceive the kingdom of God and reach out to it when we are in deepest need.

The kingdom of God is in the process of becoming. It is not yet completed. We can each play a part in its fulfillment.

To play our part we should not worry. We should watch and be ready to do what is needed. Loving God and our neighbor is how we can advance the kingdom of God.

The kingdom of God is scattered among weeds, thorns, stones, and hungry birds. But through every adversity it grows abundantly.

The kingdom of God is like a mustard seed or yeast: barely discernible, seemingly insignificant, yet expansive and potentially powerful.

The kingdom of God is like a treasure buried in a field or a pearl: hidden, unexpected, and worth everything.

The kingdom of God is like a wedding banquet. We are all invited. We can choose to participate or not. Even if we choose to participate we can choose to bring a receptive attitude... or not.

The kingdom of God is profoundly generous, if we are likewise. As we forgive, we are forgiven. As we love, we are loved.

Religious belief and practice can, if we are not very careful, complicate both participation and receptivity.

Distraction is a particular threat to experiencing the kingdom of God. Unless we can summon the eyes, ears, and heart of a child we are apt to miss it.

To experience the kingdom of heaven we are to be open to it, watchful for it, very much engaged in the present moment to perceive its hidden presence, and ready to act on it.

Tomorrow we will begin a study of the Saints.

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